Recommended Books
Attached are some books I heartily recommend. (Of course, I'm going to recommend my own!) Click on the photo to order yours through my affiliate link with I receive a small commission, which helps me to continue my work, and it doesn't cost you any more than if you bought it directly through Amazon. I appreciate your support!
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Going plant-based is not as daunting as you may think. In my book, Time For Change: Whole Foods For Whole Health, I share my experience transitioning to a whole food plant-based lifestyle. I offer advice on how to get started, what new products you may want to buy, what equipment is necessary and what is not, and lots of new recipes to get you started. This is the book I wish I had had as a resource when I began my plant-based journey. Begin your journey to whole health today!
Discovering Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s book, The China Study, was a lifesaver for me. It is chock full of useful information on why one should consider changing to a whole foods plant-based diet. It reads like a mystery novel, not like a tiresome science text. His second book, Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition, expands on his first. These books should be on every bookshelf in America, right next to mine! 🙂
The Flavor Bible is an insightful compilation of ingredient pairings from chefs from across the country. The authors painstakingly interview chefs as to what spices, herbs and other flavor ingredients they choose to use with various foods; such as thyme goes well with mushrooms, etc. The Flavor Bible is a handy resource I highly recommend.
The follow-up book to The Flavor Bible, The Vegetarian Flavor Bible, is not as well thought through in my opinion. It is largely redundant of the first book but without the recipes calling for animal protein. I recommend The Flavor Bible over this one.
If you want to learn how to make amazing whole grain bread, you can’t beat Peter Reinhart’s books. You will be learning at the feet of a master. I’ve included two of my all-time favorites for your perusal.